Trip Reports

We're OK, Are You OK? (13-Sep-2001-11-00):
11:00 AM local time Thursday, September 13, 2001. (0000 September 13, 2001 UTC) 10 30 S 148 12 E. Temp. 82, Humidity 81%, cloud cover 10%. One day out of Port Moresby, Papua, New Guinea.

Warm greetings from the crew of Maverick.

We heard about the events back home when we checked email on Wednesday morning here, which would have been Tuesday afternoon for you. Caroline had written Mr. Shrode a short note that included the basic facts which we of course found beyond imagining. We soon made our customary radio contact with a HAM net, where we were able to find out the frequency for a New Zealand short wave broadcast of the BBC and Voice of America. We normally don't follow these, but we spent the day around the radio listening to the voices crackling over the airwaves and describing one incredible fact after another, much as people did in World War II.

We do not normally fly the stars and stripes at sea, but we raised it today to half-mast. We are safe and our thoughts are with all the people back home, particularly my brother in Washington, our friends in New York, and webmaster Jim Mead, who works for the FAA and probably had a tough day.

On my night watch last night, I spent a long time looking at the stars, mindful of the thousands of eyes that will never see them again.

This time it's us wishing you to take care and Godspeed.

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