Trip Reports

Hiva Oa Update (12-Apr-2001-09-27):
9:27 AM local time Thursday 12th. 08 44 S 137 29 W. Temp. 85, Humidity 83%, cloud cover 10%. Seas ESE 1.5 meters. Wind ESE 12k

As we write we are about 100 miles from the Island of Hiva Oa. It's about another 20 or so to Traitor's Bay and the anchorage off the town of Atuona. We want to arrive there in about 24 hours, Friday morning. Our concerns about not making it by the end of the work day on Friday have been resolved on two counts. One, it is after all possible to do an informal check in any day of the week. And, we've been going so fast that we've actually had to shorten sail and will have to slow further so as not to get there in the middle of the night on Thursday. On Maverick we wish avoid entering unfamiliar harbors at night, and from here on out, they are all unfamiliar.

On the day before arrival there are suddenly a slew of new tasks to accomplish. The Captain, who has avoided reading about anything we are about to do, must do his homework on the approach to the harbor and anchorage, along with the entry formalities. The chart will be studied and guidebooks consulted. We understand the small anchorage is rather crowded, though only about 15 boats are there, so it will be necessary to anchor bow and stern and we need to check and mark our stern rode. We will take baths and perhaps trim the facial hair to take the edge off that 'been to sea for awhile, eh?' look and fragrance. Etc.

We're of course curious about what it's going to be like, but we're not frantic to get there. We've heard it's hot and sticky, the anchorage is rolly, and there are bugs. Except for the bugs, it doesn't sound too different from out here. We pick up a little sense of urgent anticipation on the radio from other boats, and some frustration at the long voyage. The feeling aboard Maverick is one of equanimity, and also expectation, but not frustration. But tomorrow will be a day very much different from the last 26, we can be sure of that. Back soon with details

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